Benefit Statements

We all know that networking is one of the most powerful ways in which to grow a business. One of the ways to make your networking opportunities much more powerful is through the development of benefits statements. I believe that everyone should have at least 6 unique benefit statements prepared for whenever someone asks you “so what do you do”.

This sounds very simple but I meet so few people who have mastered the concept. Very simply, a benefit statement gives your listener a reason to care about your product or service and shows them why they would get value out of it. The most common mistake is using features rather than benefits. The difference is often subtle but, in business the subtle differences can be the difference between a sale and a non sale.

One of the product lines I distribute is a series of oil and gas additives for cars and trucks. One of the many features of the product line is that it reduces fuel consumption in a car. Creating a benefit statement for this product line I would use statements like:

“I help people go to the gas pump less often”
“I provide a fuel savings of 20 cents per litre”
“I show people how to get every 5th tank of gas for free”

You will notice that each of these allow my listener to receive a tangible benefit to using my product. I would recommend everyone come up with a number of one line benefit statements around your product or service offering, so when someone asks you “so what do you do” you have an answer that will pique their curiosity.

Happy Selling,


Goal Setting

To me the single most important thing to do is decide what you want and why you want it. Whether you want to make $100,000 a year or simply buy a new lawn mower the process begins with making a decision to want it and a solid concrete reason WHY?

The WHY becomes really important because it is the motivation to get you going when times are tough. If you want to make $100,000 a year because it would be nice, I am here to tell you that is not a powerful WHY. Until you can put yourself in the position of having it, and believing you can achieve it you will never get the things you want. If you want the $100,000 because you have always dreamed of having a cabin on the lake and the nice leather seats of a luxury car then you are on your way to achieving your goals.

To put myself in the right state of mind, I always always always write my goals down. If you can’t write it down then you DONT KNOW IT. Always write as if you have already achieved the goal. For example I would write “I EARN $100,000 A YEAR”. You are telling your mind you have already achieved it.

The next step is to decide what changes you need to make in your life to make this a reality and write those down. Again writing them down as activities you have already accomplished. For example:

I EARN $100,000 A YEAR

What you are doing is programming your subconscious mind with positive affirmations. If you do this on a consistent basis, at least once a week; you will begin to notice great things happening for you. If you tell yourself all the time you are early for work, you will all of a sudden become early for work. One little note about the wording on these. You will note I did NOT say “I will make 50 calls a week.” The purpose of this is not to create a wish list of things you would LIKE to do. You are telling your mind what you are GOING to do.

By making this simple shift in your thinking, great things will happen. I have examples too numerous to mention of this working wonderfully for me. Try it and I know you will like the results.



Why blog?

There are a few key reasons why a business needs to have a blog. The first reason is for increased exposure and how quickly and powerfully a blog can spread information. Currently less than 5% of businesses have a blog but over 40% of the web traffic in Google is accounted for by blogs. This means that 5% of businesses are going after 40% of the web traffic and 95% of business are going after 60% of web traffic. Maintaining a blog greatly increases your exposure in the search engines.

The second thing this new technology allows you to do is track everything that is said in the internet. For instance, I can track any key word or phrase that is used on the internet. If I wanted to know every time the name “Chuck Brady” is used, I could get an instant update with the context in which it was used, delivered right to your inbox without having to do a thing and WITHOUT ANY SPAM. This is a fantastic way to keep track of your competition, keep abreast of your market or to ensure there is never any bad press spreading about your company.

In addition to being able to track key words, you can use this feature of blogging to your advantage to get your content read by a huge audience. The American political parties realized the power of this in the last federal election and blogging became the most critical part of their campaign. Microsoft realized the power of it and they currently have over 2000 employees whose only job is to maintain blogs.

Since blogs create a lot of traffic on the internet that are also very appealing to advertisers. There are lots of opportunities to create ad revenue with no effort on your part. Google knows that 40% of their traffic, and thus 40% of their revenue comes through blogging, so they reward bloggers accordingly. Google currently pays out over 75% of its revenue to its users; you can gain your share of this.

The final and one of the most appealing aspects of blogging is that you do not need a web programmer to do it. Once you have your strategy and blog in place; writing content is as easy as typing an email. This means that it becomes a very affordable marketing vehicle with no long term financial repercussions. As everyone in business knows, if it is not affordable, it does not matter how great it is.



What is a blog?

I find myself being asked almost on a daily basis just what is a blog. The interesting thing is that each time I am asked I answer the question a little bit differently. It has however got me wondering the best way to explain to someone exactly what this new phenomenon is.

A blog is a combination of web page and email newsletter all rolled into one. It is a webpage in that it has a unique, searchable URL. It is a newsletter in that every time you add something to a blog it is distributed around the world instantly much the same way email is sent. There are countless examples of how quickly information on blogs is spread around the world instantly as messages spread like wild fire.

By now most people have heard about blogs, either through the media or through the grapevine but there are all sorts of misconceptions about blogs and their purpose. I view a blog as nothing more than a communication channel used to spread information. Much in the same way a newspaper spreads news or our roads allow us to travel. A blog is merely a method of distribution.

Like any means of distribution, a blog is only as powerful or as useful as the information it contains. A blog with no content is as good as the Autobahn with no cars. It is the most power method of distributing information yet, but it is up the the blog owner to create useful info.

Happy Blogging,


Copyright © 2024 Chuck Brady.